I love things. Curious things, weird things, nice things, mean things and spicy things mostly. I also like to change my opinion and stance on certain things at a whim. This blog serves not only as a place for me to record and remember if or why I like something, but also for you to pass 5-7 minutes of your day.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

recent interest: little shits

"Little Shits" or "Lilshits" are small, random things that help make your home your home. I love a random little trashy figurine or statue and I wanted to share a few of my favorites from around my house.

Cast iron acrobat statue, $0.95 from Hobby Lobby

My Great Grandfather's tin globe bank

Wooden elephant, $5.00 from World Market

Ceramic 'Hand of Fatima' from some street corner in NY

Metal cock from the lumber yard in Winnie, TX. 
Thanks Mom.

Tin can Lion from that place with the things in DC. Thanks Brooke.

Today I went shit hunting at the local Goodwill and the intense and overwhelming antique mall (definite future post on this coming soon) and instead of finding little shits, I found two medium-sized shits.

Art Deco wooden and rope mirror

Naval Map of Bermuda, 1946

So, if you're tired of your apartment or home looking like an IKEA magazine or Kirkland's discount table, grab yourself a little shit and think about ways to make your home different, and thusly, relevant.

recent interest: Octopodes

How pretentious to use the word "octopode"! I had to Goodle the correct plural form of the word "octopus". I found this:

The plural form of octopus is octopuses (or occasionally octopodes). Although it is often supposed that octopi is the 'correct' plural of octopus, and it has been in use for longer than the usual Anglicized plural octopuses, it in fact originates as an error. Octopus is not a simple Latin word of the second declension, but a Latinized form of the Greek word oktopous, and its 'correct' plural would logically be octopodes.

So. Now that this has been cleared up let's talk.

I never knew I liked these strange creatures until today around 2:00pm. I saw some online and thought, "I like those". So, I have decided to let you know this about me and share a few things I like about them or involving them.

Octopus Fun Facts:

1. Octopodes have arms, not tentacles.
It is a common mistake to refer to an octopus' arms as tentacles. Tentacles are longer than arms. Tentacles usually have suckers only at their tips.

2. There are three plural forms of the word octopus.
They include octopi, optopuses, and octopodes. (Just in case you forgot)

3. An octopus has three hearts.
Two hearts are used to pump blood to each of the octopus' lungs and the third pumps blood throughout the body. This being said, do octopodes have a bigger or smaller problem with heartache? Food for thought.

4. Octopi are highly intelligent.
They are believed to be the smartest of all invertebrates and show great skill at problem solving (instead of relying on instincts). If you are ever stranded on a scuba adventure or get locked out of your submarine, look for an octopus. I would've assumed we should be asking sea turtles for solutions to our problems (they seem so wise), but that is what I get for assuming.

Octopode Inspired Design:

An octopus table.

View from above of a more interesting octopus table.

Side view.

I want to do this to my living room end table. Is that crazy?

Vintage octopus print. I think this would be cool in a nursery or a bathroom.
(Or a house boat. Obvously. I dont think they let you have a house boat without something octopus inspired in it. I'll check though, as to be sure.)

Awesome octopus light.

Vintage print.

Vintage octopus map.

Well, there you have it. Octopods, a recent interest of mine.

Before I sign off, I wanted to include a link to the differences between an Octopus and a Squid. (http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061002045118AADC82E) I think it is important to know the difference. I have nothing against squid, they are just not currently on my radar. That's not saying they won't be soon. They just aren't currently.

recent interest: blogging

Well, here we are again. This is my third blog. The other two were short lived disasters and I see no reason for this blog not to follow suit, but, hopefully, I will find a voice* and get comfortable in this medium.

I tried to pick a non-restraining blog title so that I could just say and do what I want without having to fit into a certain category of blogs. The quickest way to kill a blog is to pigeon hole it, thus, I will use this under-designed blog as an under-publicized forum to talk about anything I find interesting on any particular day.

So, without further delay, I welcome you to recent interests, a blog for the masses.

Interests coming soon.

*inspired by Kristin
