I love things. Curious things, weird things, nice things, mean things and spicy things mostly. I also like to change my opinion and stance on certain things at a whim. This blog serves not only as a place for me to record and remember if or why I like something, but also for you to pass 5-7 minutes of your day.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

recent interest: blogging

Well, here we are again. This is my third blog. The other two were short lived disasters and I see no reason for this blog not to follow suit, but, hopefully, I will find a voice* and get comfortable in this medium.

I tried to pick a non-restraining blog title so that I could just say and do what I want without having to fit into a certain category of blogs. The quickest way to kill a blog is to pigeon hole it, thus, I will use this under-designed blog as an under-publicized forum to talk about anything I find interesting on any particular day.

So, without further delay, I welcome you to recent interests, a blog for the masses.

Interests coming soon.

*inspired by Kristin

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